skills should a social studies teacher emphasize in order to prepare students for
the 21st century?
Workshop Target: Explore
modern approaches to traditional Social Studies classes to establish
problem-centered daily activities and collaborative opportunities.
Guiding Questions:
Upgrading methods, curriculum, and assessment?
What’s important still important? What’s not important?
2. What
is the role of the teacher?
Understanding one idea makes change possible:
"Content is NO longer King"
So what does matter?
- Critical Thinking - creative, practical, pattern recognition, scientific, divergent
- Multiple Fluencies - media literacy, point of view, financial literacy, digital literacy
- Collaboration
- Empathy - "The essential question is no longer can we, it's should we?"
- Design
Teacher Task A - Unit Focus (essential questions & face2face time)
Teacher Task B - Assessment (Rubrics, Benchmarks, Design)
Teacher Task C - Digital Footprints (knowledge, search tools, proper use)
Teacher Task D - Portfolio (future use; process/progress piece)
RESULT: Social Studies curricula that emphasizes Construction; Focused around 3 areas: scholarship, creativity, and collaboration.
- The Mashup: Semi-pure creativity We can pick our teachers and we can pick our friends and we can pick the books we read and the music we listen to and the movies we see, etcetera. You are a mashup of what you let into your life.”
- Social media - Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Edmodo, RSS Readers (blog page)
- New and Emerging Tools: uses -- clone a page, enhance, and share; history pin
- Photo/visual literacy & proper use: photobabble / 7 image search tools / photo-essay / the infographic
- Re-thinking Geography: Google Earth; Maps and cartography; History Tours
- Tools of mind ideas for substitution, upgrades, and problem solving.
- Constructing problems - consider: time elements; historical directive; practical problem solving; categorization; divergency of thinking; top ten lists
- Talking: elevator pitches, Tim Talk, pecha kucha; 30 seconds with.....
10. Crafting units around core essential questions of WH: Geography, Humans, and Ideas
Point of Interest I: Top florilegium of all time. Florilegia were compilations of excerpts from other writings, mashing up selected passages and connecting dots from existing texts to better illustrate a specific topic, doctrine or idea. The word comes from the Latin for “flower” and “gather.” The florilegium is one of the earliest recorded examples of remix culture — a Medieval textual Tumblr.
Point of Interest II: Looking to demonstrate continuity: vintage versions of modern startups
IDEAS For 21st century courses:
Example @ RIS: Navigating History (Or Global Literacy, Modern World Studies, World Studies, Patterns of Change)
This curriculum is an opportunity for English language learners to develop historical literacy through a framework of units bridging language arts to the study of the past & present. The course is roughly based on the concept of developing global literacy in ten major areas considered to be thematic, relevant challenges to the global community. These include: conflict, political systems, science & technology, demographic studies, planet management & resources, economic systems, global belief systems, human rights and social justice, & issue of pluralism (race & ethnicity). The course will also explore current events within the framework to prepare the learner for advanced coursework in eleventh and twelfth grades. Students can expect to practice regularly those skills necessary for success in mainstream courses. The curriculum focuses upon building skills in geography, research, reading for understanding, document analysis, writing in the content area, and interpreting info-graphics. Special attention will directed toward establishing effective habits of mind and organization.
Historical Personalities
The Last Twenty Years
Live Blogging
Understanding Causation
Presentation Description: The presentation will target modern approaches to traditional Social Studies classes to establish problem-centered daily activities and collaborative opportunities. The agenda will include upgrading methods, curriculum, and assessment in order introduce social media principles, 1:1 laptop protocols, and strategies to foster the multiple literacies and along with global citizenship.
Historical Personalities
The Last Twenty Years
Live Blogging
Understanding Causation
"the sleep of reason creates monsters"
Presentation Description: The presentation will target modern approaches to traditional Social Studies classes to establish problem-centered daily activities and collaborative opportunities. The agenda will include upgrading methods, curriculum, and assessment in order introduce social media principles, 1:1 laptop protocols, and strategies to foster the multiple literacies and along with global citizenship.